Graphic design

Create an exceptional design that will captivate your users from the first click.

AR Solutions

What is graphic design?

First impressions are crucial. No matter what stage you are at, we will take care of your project from a graphic perspective. If you are at the beginning of your journey, we will help you create the visual identity of your brand or product, design a logo, and choose colors and typography suitable for your target audience.

Our services include designing mobile apps, web apps, websites, and e-commerce stores. We combine modern aesthetics with functionality to deliver solutions that are user-friendly and visually appealing.

Digital Product Design Services

When will digital product design services turn handy for your business?

Do you want your app, software, or other digital product to be intuitive, eye-catching, and attractive to customers? Regardless of the role a digital product plays in your company, one thing is certain – it must be professionally executed. We will provide you with support through our services:

  • Website and e-commerce store design
  • Branding – we will create a complete visual identity for your brand, including a logo and brand book, and define the color scheme and typography.
  • Product Design Workshops – we will discuss your idea together and design an attractive and functional application.
  • UX/UI Design – we will create intuitive and aesthetic interfaces for mobile apps and web platforms to ensure exceptional user experience.
Digital Product Design Services

What you gain from our graphic design services?

We offer a complete package of graphic design services. From logos and branding to UX/UI mockups for websites and apps. You can only make a first impression once. Make sure it’s exceptional. Trust the best experts in the industry who know the trends in graphic design and will create a modern look for you.

Digital Product Design Services

Graphic design with mobitouch

Comprehensive graphic services

We will create a complete visual identity for your company, from branding to website or app design.

The best experts in the industry

Our experienced designers know how to combine creativity, aesthetics, and functionality.

Designers + Programmers

We are a team that creates comprehensive projects - from graphics to programming. Our designers know how to create a graphic design ready for implementation by developers.

Let us create an exceptional design for you that will attract customers. Schedule a free consultation

A brief guide to digital product design

Presentation of the idea
  • Analysis

    After understanding your needs, we conduct a market and competition analysis.

  • Concept

    At this stage, our team begins gathering ideas and concepts through brainstorming and creative thinking.

  • Presentation of the idea

    We present you with various graphicoptions and together decide which one will suit you best.

  • Testing

    For UX/UI projects, we test them at the mockup stage to minimize the risk of errors during the programming phase.

  • Visualization

    We present mockups of the project to show you how it will look after programming, ensuring it aligns with your vision.

Check out our success proven designs

Radio Nowy Świat

Radio Nowy Świat is an internet radio that was created on the initiative of iconic Polish music journalists. The project was officially launched in July 2020, becoming one of the most popular radio stations of this type in the country from the first days of regular broadcasting.

In this project taking care of effective UX and aesthetic UI. because we wanted the application to be very intuitive, easy to use, and at the same time visually attractive.

Read the full case study to meet the refreshed edition of Radio Nowy Świat.

Radio Nowy Świat


Nooki is a mobile application that allows for quick and convenient booking of cleaning services. Our project focused on creating UX/UI and developing the application, providing intuitive solutions for Clients, Workers, and Administrators. Discover how our approach to graphic design has revolutionized the use of cleaning services — a clean space is now just a click away!

Explore how our innovative approach to graphic design and mobile technology has transformed the way we access cleaning services. A clean space is now within reach!


SmartChef is an innovative culinary app that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate unique recipes. Regardless of cooking experience, users can quickly create delicious dishes by selecting ingredients and dietary preferences.

We developed an advanced tool that generates recipes and accompanying images in the blink of an eye. Thanks to cross-platform technology Flutter and services like Azure OpenAI and DALL·E, SmartChef allows for personalized culinary experiences and the creation of a custom cookbook.

Read the full case study to discover the SmartChef app.

smartchef mobile app
  • The team of experts at mobitouch has the skills and know-how to implement the most demanding projects. Moreover, they have in-depth knowledge of the latest technology trends and know how to apply them creatively to build high-performing products.

    Łukasz Bis
    CEO at InternetBeta Conference
  • Mobitouch was flexible in adjusting its designs to fit our specific project needs.
    Łukasz Głogowski
    Product Owner at
  • Mobitouch is a team of skilled professionals that understand AR technology well. They helped us with every step of the development process. They think outside of the box. Therefore, the final product is even better than we hoped for!

    Furgonetka BOX Partner
    Marta Gaińska
    Operations Manager at
  • The use of Augmented Reality sets the new quality of university-candidate interaction and gives printed materials second life in the era of mobile devices.

    Aneta Rozborska
    Director of Marketing & Recruitment UITM in Rzeszow

Let’s join forces

Depending on the needs of your business, we are able to provide the best specialists in the field of UX and UI, who will expand the competencies of your team. Do you want to test our skills? See our portfolio on Dribbble and Behance.

Our team is ready to help you to find the optimal solution that will meet your specifications and achieve your business goals.

Learn more about our work

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UX in M-commerce: 5 Things You Need to Know About Digital Product Design

M-commerce UX: 5 Things You Need to Know

According to a new Forrester Research study, smartphones are set to impact 34% of total U.S. retail sales in 2018 (via internet research). That’s over $1 trillion. By 2022, smartphones will play a part in 42% of total retail sales.

Łukasz Cichoń
UX/UI Designer
Dlaczego potrzebujesz UX/UI designera w procesie tworzenia aplikacji

Why you need a UX/UI Designer in the App Creation Process 

Do you want to build a mobile or web application? Are you afraid that developers won’t understand your vision? Do you want to test your idea with your target group before even a single line of code is created? If the answer to at least one of these questions is yes, it means that you need a UX/UI designer.

Sławek Szewczyk
Sławek Szewczyk
Chief Project Officer