PWA development services

Progress your business with applications that are easily accessible. Learn more about PWA development.

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What is PWA development all about?

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are a solution that combines the advantages of both web and mobile apps. They act and feel like mobile applications and can work offline unlike web apps opened in a computer browser. They are used by global brands – like Starbucks or Pinterest – which proves their reliability. Creating PWAs is a good way to reach a wider range of customers and meet their specific needs.

PWA app development using React.js or Next.js, ensures speed, performance and accessibility on various systems and devices. PWAs can take advantage of many built-in features of the devices they run on. As a result, they provide a similar experience to mobile apps, but run using the browser engine.

PWA Development

Why does a progressive web app work for business?

PWA web development is a good choice if you want to provide your customers with maximum convenience. It is a combination of the advantages of websites and mobile applications.
As a result, you don’t have to worry about:

  • Unstable Internet connection – some functions of PWA can work offline.
  • Weak performance of some devices – such applications guarantee maximum speed and smoothness.
  • Creating an app for different platforms – you need only one app, regardless of the operating system.
  • Meeting strict criteria for publishing apps in the stores – PWAs can be added as an icon to your customer’s smartphone desktop without the need to publish the app in AppStore or Google Play.
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Discover the advantages of PWA software development

See why you should consider PWA in software development.

What are the benefits of this solution? Here are some business cases.

  • You reduce time-to-market – by using a single source code, the time it takes to create an application on many platforms is much shorter.
  • Lower development costs – you create one universal application that works on various operating systems.
  • Easy access = more engagement – users can either access the app by clicking on a link or an icon on their smartphone’s desktop. This also makes it easier for them to share it with others.
  • Security – React.js and Next.js are constantly updated and have great community support. This ensures that security is always at the highest level.
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We are mobitouch. And we know how to develop a Progressive Web App

Our support for security

Are you already using a PWA? We offer our technical support so you'll always be up to date with security upgrades.

Best technology for web app development

When creating PWAs, we always use the latest technologies. React.js and Next.js allow us to cost-effectively scale the software in the future.

Design under your control

We work in sprints completed with demos. You can follow and verify the design progress on a regular basis.

We’re still not resting on our laurels

This is the right time to talk about your Progressive Web App!

Creating PWA step-by-step

Graphic design
Quality Assurance
Improvement Measure & Update
  • Preparation

    Only a holistic strategy guarantees the quality and consistency of the entire project.

    • Meetings and requirements
    • Analysis, data collecting
    • Functionality architecture
    • Project planning
  • Graphic design

    We follow your brand identity or help to create it from scratch.

    • Envision your customers’ mobile assets
    • User flow
    • Creating high-impact design
    • Digital prototyping
  • Development

    We develop innovative, secure, and high-performance applications for web.

  • Quality Assurance

    Our specialized in-house QA team does the review and testing of all the software we build.

    • Usability testing sessions
    • Code reviews
    • Bug fixing
    • Approval
  • Launch
  • Improvement Measure & Update

    Making sure all changes are data-driven and keep on checking the  appearance and functionality. We make sure your audience gets the updates they’ve been looking for.

Our approach to the project

We are guided by agile management and work in accordance with Scrum standards.


We determine the scope of the project and create a plan for completing it.


Next, we create a list of tasks and features to be implemented. Each stage of the work is precisely planned and verified, and the project is supervised by people who know all the goals of your product.


At this stage, we break the project into sprints, or short periods of work, each with a specific goal. Thanks to “sprints”, the mobile app is developed at a predictable rhythm.

Daily Standup

Each day Project Manager responsible for your project has a short meeting with a team to review progress and plan tasks for the day.


At the end of each sprint, we review the progress and retrospect on how to improve the process for the next sprint. If individual functionalities of the application are ready to implement, we do it immediately after your approval.

  • Their team is highly responsive and easy to reach during the development. This made our collaboration really smooth and professional. Mobitouch took an extra care about communicating the project’s progress – and that approach really paid off!

    Dorota Konefał
    Senior Team Leader at AskMedNow
  • We were most surprised by their professionalism and adaptation to any situation.

    Maciej Hapke
    CEO at group sp. z o.o.
  • Their development work was really of high quality.

    Matteo Filippo Chiarini
    Senior Product Manager at

Need to know more? Just send a message.

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