Project start workshops

Plan and develop an application with our experts.

Radio Nowy Świat
Jeronimo Martins

Take the first step and consult your vision

Do you have an idea for an app but don’t know where to start? Our startup workshops will help you define the key functionalities that will attract your users. With us, you’ll plan your actions, allocate your budget, and set clear business goals.

During the online workshop, you’ll learn which technologies best suit your project, what the latest industry trends are, and how to avoid common pitfalls and unnecessary expenses. This way, you can focus on developing your idea, confident that every decision is backed by knowledge and the experience of professionals.

Our goal is to ensure your project has a solid foundation and is ready for successful execution, whether you’re a startup or an already established business.

Why should you take advantage of free project start workshops?

We will identify key functionalities

We’ll plan what’s essential and what can be postponed.

We’ll define the team and timeline

With our expertise, you’ll be able to realistically estimate the resources needed.

We’ll suggest the best technological solutions

We’ll select the technologies and tools that best fit your needs.

We’ll provide an estimated cost

After the workshop, you’ll receive a project estimate based on the functionalities of your planned solution.

Flutter, the new standard in app development, and its 9 useful tools.

Project start workshops with mobitouch

Personalized approach

We offer every client personalized solutions tailored to their needs.

Cost optimization

Learn how to execute your project efficiently while avoiding unnecessary expenses.

Years of experience

Dozens of completed projects across various industries, from e-commerce to finance and education.

Expert guidance

Our experienced specialists will help you precisely define the requirements and goals of your application. Gain valuable advice on app development and launching it to the market.

Startup workshops step by step

Initial discussion
Needs analysis
Technology review
Wrap-up meeting and handover of documentation
  • Initial discussion

    We will discuss the overall vision and expectations for the project.

  • Needs analysis

    Together, we determine which features are a priority and which are optional.

  • Technology review

    We present recommendations on the tools and technologies that will work best.

  • Summary

    Based on the developed documentation, we will design the application screens in the form of hi-fidelity wireframes (UX/UI). In short, at this stage, we will design how the application will look in the future. The graphic mockups will be created using Figma.

  • Wrap-up meeting and handover of documentation

    You will receive a detailed functional scope and an estimate from us, which can serve as a foundation for further actions.

Would you like to schedule a free startup workshop?

Check out projects that have been successful.

Radio Nowy Świat

Radio Nowy Świat is an internet radio station created by iconic Polish music journalists. The project officially launched in July 2020, and from its first days of regular broadcasting, it became one of the most popular radio stations of its kind in the country.

In this project, our primary focus was on creating an effective UX and aesthetic UI, which posed a significant challenge. We wanted the app to be intuitive, easy to use, and visually appealing at the same time.

Read the full case study to discover the refreshed version of Radio Nowy Świat.

Radio Nowy Świat
  • Nigdy nie mieliśmy problemów z dotrzymywaniem przez mobitouch terminów oraz komunikacją z zespołem. Bardzo szybko reagują na każdy problem, praktycznie w każdej części dnia i znajdują rozwiązanie na wszystkie nasze pytania. Zespół mobitouch był zaangażowany na każdym poziomie rozwoju produktu cyfrowego.

    Kamil Zowczak
    CEO & Co-Founder at Epinote
  • Podczas developmentu ich zespół jest bardzo responsywny i otwarty. Dzięki temu nasza współpraca przebiegała naprawdę sprawnie i profesjonalnie. Mobitouch wykazał dodatkową troskę o komunikację postępów projektu – i to podejście naprawdę się opłaciło!

    Dorota Konefał
    Senior Team Leader at AskMedNow
  • Zespół ekspertów w mobitouch posiada umiejętności know-how do realizacji najbardziej wymagających projektów. Ponadto posiadają dogłębną znajomość najnowszych trendów technologicznych i wiedzą, jak je kreatywnie zastosować do budowy wysokowydajnych produktów.

    Łukasz Bis
    CEO at InternetBeta Conference
  • Pracownicy Mobitouch spełnili wszystkie nasze oczekiwania dotyczące projektu. Szczególnie w zakresie funkcjonalnych rozwiązań i intuicyjnego designu dla naszych klientów. Dzięki nim udało nam się osiągnąć zamierzone cele biznesowe. Profesjonalizm, elastyczność i wysoka responsywność to zdecydowanie ich mocne strony. Bez wahania możemy polecić mobitouch. To silny i godny zaufania partner, który dostarcza rozwiązania mobilne i internetowe najwyższej jakości.

    Józef Bytnar
    President at Reconal

Do you need more information?

flutter development services 3

We believe that good design and development are the key factors that ensure the success of a digital product.

Mobile App Development

Switch your business to mobile mode. We will design an intuitive app that will captivate your customers.

Web App Development

Do you serve your customers online? We will create a fully responsive web application that even the most demanding users will enjoy using.

Outsourcing IT

Choose mobitouch and enjoy the benefits of having your own team of developers and designers dedicated to your company.

MVP Development

Start your journey in the world of new technologies while minimizing risk. We will help you develop an MVP that you can effectively validate on the market.

Znajdź odpowiedzi na nurtujące Cię pytania

How much does it cost to develop a mobile app?

The cost of developing a mobile application depends on various factors, such as the range of features, platforms (iOS, Android, or both), technology choice, and project complexity. Price differences arise from whether the app requires basic features like login and social media integration or more advanced solutions like online payments, geolocation, artificial intelligence, or complex database handling.

That’s why we offer a free consultation, during which we will determine the details of your project and estimate its development costs. During the conversation, we will discuss your needs, goals, and technological options to tailor the solution to your budget and expectations.

Will the mobile app work on both iOS and Android?

Yes, an app built using Flutter will work on both iOS and Android. Flutter is a framework developed by Google that enables the creation of cross-platform applications using a single codebase. This means that instead of developing separate versions of the app for each platform, we can create one app that works on both systems, saving time and costs.

Is it possible to organize startup workshops online?

Yes, our consultations are typically held online, allowing for convenient collaboration regardless of location.

How to prepare for startup workshops?

To prepare for startup workshops, it’s helpful to clarify your idea by considering what problem your app will solve and what key features it should have. Defining goals, such as increasing sales, streamlining processes, or reaching new customers, is also crucial. Before the meeting, it’s a good idea to prepare questions, which may include topics like technology, timelines, or budget. Gathering inspiration—examples of apps or solutions that interest you—can help in discussing your expectations. Also, consider the budget you’re willing to allocate to the project, as this will help in tailoring the right solutions. Such preparation will ensure the time during the workshops is used effectively.

What will I gain from the startup workshops?

Thanks to the startup workshops, you will gain a clear action plan that will help you understand the next steps and the timeline for your project. During the workshops, we will refine your app’s vision together, establishing key functionalities and priorities to ensure it meets user expectations and addresses market needs. Additionally, we will help optimize your budget by selecting the right technologies and solutions to avoid unnecessary costs. You will also benefit from the knowledge and experience of experts who will advise on technology, trends, and best practices, minimizing risks and preparing you for potential challenges during the project’s execution.