Clutch Recognizes mobitouch Among Poland’s Leading B2B Service Providers for 2022
At mobitouch, we believe that building strong partnerships with our clients is critical to fully understanding and responding to their needs. We are a team of well-organised and experienced developers specializing in key technologies such as Flutter, React, and .NET.

Is Flutter a Suitable Technology for an MVP project? What are the Benefits of Flutter Technology? – Interview with Filip Niedziela, the Founder of Foodcore
Many startups face difficulties regarding technology choices for their project. It is vital to choose wisely. In the later phases of development, this choice will dictate the success of the business idea. The selection process is not an easy task. Especially when you consider the multitude of options regarding technological solutions present in today’s market. Read this interview to discover the main benefits of Flutter technology and the reasons why entrepreneurs choose it to develop digital products.

Low-Code / No-Code App Development: When to Use these Platforms?
Developers are creating code to obtain the desired software. To do this, one needs to master the programming languages, technology, quality assurance, and implementing techniques.

Top Advantages of M-commerce For Businesses in The Travel Sector
Mobile commerce is currently disrupting one industry after another. The travel and hospitality sector is no exception to this trend. The cost of developing mobile apps has dropped down, and businesses across many different industries are now investing in digital products like retail apps, business apps, and e-commerce apps.

6 Ways an M-commerce App Can Boost Your Business
Experts predict that by 2021, mobile commerce sales will make up 54% of total e-commerce sales. In the second quarter of 2019, mobile e-commerce spending in the US reached $41.2 bn, and the total number of shoppers who make mobile purchases is expected to reach a smashing 168.7 mln.

IoT in Marketing: 4 Ways Internet of Things Will Revolutionize Marketing Communications
Experts predict that by 2020, the installed base of Internet of Things devices will grow to nearly 31 billion globally. The IoT market is predicted to be worth more than one billion US dollars annually, starting from 2017.