Cross-platform App Development Company

Discover the potential of software that fits well in the hand. Let’s create a mobile application tailored to multiple platforms.

Radio Nowy Świat

Significance of cross-platform app development

Otherwise known as multi-platform development, it refers to the practice of creating software that can run on at least more than one platform or operating system. One of the main benefits is cost-effectiveness combined with the ability to expand your customer base and increase their potential revenue by developing apps that can run on various platforms like iOS, Android, Windows and more.

Faster time-to-market is also a point, so make sure to choose the best cross-platform mobile app development team. Our experience indicates that customers often need an application for two platforms – they need to know that they can achieve this effect using cross-platform technologies and a single programming language.

Cross Platform App Development

Who is at the top?

Multi-platform mobile development strives to create apps that can run on multiple platforms with minimal modifications. Some of the most popular and widely-used leading cross-platform technologies include:

Flutter: An open-source framework that uses the Dart programming language to create high-performance and visually-attractive apps for iOS and Android. Web and desktop applications are also possible.

React Native: A JavaScript-based framework that allows developers to build mobile apps for iOS and Android using a single codebase. Possibility to create web and desktop apps as well.

Xamarin: A C#-based framework that allows developers to create iOS, Android, and Windows apps using a single codebase.

PWA Development 3

Enter the multi-platform world with mobitouch

We provide cross-platform development

We code Android, iOS, Huawei and web apps. We are a cross-platform development company, which means we specialize in creating software for any operating system.

We care about our customers' growth

We use cutting-edge technology to ensure code stability, security and lower-cost development in the future.

All-in-one cooperation

Working with us, you can count on service from A to Z. We provide analysis, design, development and testing of applications.

We’re still not resting on our laurels

We'll be glad to tell you what the best cross-platform mobile app development looks like.

Cross-platform app development step by step

Graphic design
Quality Assurance
  • Preparation

    Only a holistic strategy guarantees the quality and consistency of the entire project.

    • Meetings and requirements
    • Analysis, data collecting
    • Functionality architecture
    • Project planning
  • Graphic design

    We follow your brand identity or help to create it from scratch.

    • Envision your customers’ mobile assets
    • User flow
    • Creating high-impact design
    • Digital prototyping
  • Development

    We develop innovative, secure, and high-performance applications for mobile.

    • Technical Direction
    • Technical Specifications
    • Front & Back-end Development
  • Quality Assurance

    Our specialized in-house QA team does the review and testing of all the software we build.

    • Usability testing sessions
    • Code reviews
    • Bug fixing
    • Approval
  • Launch

    Implementing appropriate app analytics and making sure that your app is ranked high in stores by introducing appropriate App Store Optimization techniques.

Our approach to the project

When creating mobile software, we choose agile management. We work according to Scrum standards.


We determine the scope of the project and create a plan for completing it.


Next, we create a list of tasks and features to be implemented. Each stage of the work is precisely planned and verified, and the project is supervised by people who know all the goals of your product.


At this stage, we break the project into sprints, or short periods of work, each with a specific goal. Thanks to “sprints”, the mobile app is developed at a predictable rhythm.

Daily Standup

Each day Project Manager responsible for your project has a short meeting with a team to review progress and plan tasks for the day.


At the end of each sprint, we review the progress and retrospect on how to improve the process for the next sprint. If individual functionalities of the application are ready to implement, we do it immediately after your approval.

  • We were most surprised by their professionalism and adaptation to any situation.

    Maciej Hapke
    CEO at group sp. z o.o.
  • Mobitouch is a team of skilled professionals that understand AR technology well. They helped us with every step of the development process. They think outside of the box. Therefore, the final product is even better than we hoped for!

    Furgonetka BOX Partner
    Marta Gaińska
    Operations Manager at

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